Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wisdom Teeth

Well, it's official. I saw the dentist yesterday, and I'm on the list for wisdom tooth extraction. Turns out my two bottom teeth are impacted and have been pressing into the teeth in front of them, so they need to come out and soon. I dunno how soon they'll come out, but even though I'm glad to know about it, I'm also terrified to know that I have to go in for my first actual surgery. The idea of being knocked out and having no awareness during the whole procedure. More info to follow as I find out more details, but yeah, this is the first step.


Kate said...

So do you only need to get the two bottom teeth out or all four? I think have two impacted teeth is enough trama for you to go through.

Will you be unconscious, then? I was awake when all four of my wisdom teeth were taken out, but I was so loopy with the drugs that I just remember listening to the music and wishing they'd just let me go to sleep already instead of messing with my teeth. Then I went home and watched Predator and tried to drink a milkshake. The weird things I remember from my teenage years...weird.

Anyway, good luck. Keep us posted. You'll be fine! I promise!!!

Istari the Angel said...

I only have two wisdom teeth, the bottom two, which are impacted. I dunno if I'll have to go under completely, but the idea of it scares me. I have my consultation in two weeks. I'll find out for sure then, I think. I dunno whether it would be better or worse to be awake but either way I'm not looking forward to it as much now that it's more of a reality for me.

Hilary said...

It's probably unfair to say don't worry about it, because it's a subjective thing, but the two times I've had total anesthesia were not unpleasant in the least. One of them was when I got teeth removed. I definitely prefer total anesthesia as opposed to being awake during the procedure.

I had three wisdom teeth, one of which is still in there for some reason. No, actually they are all still there. When I was in high school I had my bottom rear molars taken out and the wisdom teeth were dragged into their place by braces. It was an interesting approach to trying to correct my bite... it worked for a while but then my jaw basically grew out of control.