Monday, February 4, 2008

First Blog

So...first post with my new blog. This is just a test run, so I won't do much more than talk about my weekend, but I had a good one. Went up to C. Springs to see my friends, and I had a great time. I missed being able to hang out with people my age who have my same interests. I went shopping and spent more money than I should have, but got some fun stuff. Mostly anime swag, but some new books too, as if I could resist with a B&N in the vicinity. Also saw a movie with my friends, The Bucket List, which was excellent. Highly recommend it. One of very few films I've ever seen where it made me cry but I left feeling just about joyful. Speaking of joyful, I also got to go to church at St. Mary's Cathedral, which, while not the same as Mass at Shove Chapel with all my school friends, was highly enjoyable. I don't know how exactly to explain it, but it feels more...accessible there, like I can actually be part of the community and feel welcome. Here at home, it's like...a hierarchy, with a group of people doing things because they always have, and they're so set in their rut that they get resentful about anyone stepping in and suggesting any changes. I almost feel intimidated by the church at home. Might be because all the people in charge are the ones who have known me and my parents since we were young, and who at some point in my life scolded me about something or other. I guess I feel like in most of their eyes I'm just a nosy kid still. Oh well. I got to see some of my friends from church too, and that was really a warm feeling, getting to talk with them and hear all the news about my friends.

In fantasy news, hence the title of the blog, I'm rereading my old favorite Terry Pratchett, and delving deeper into the world of Brian Jacques' Redwall books. I've been in a British mood for a while, ever since I had the idea for getting my Masters at Oxford. I'm also listening to Harry Potter in the car now that daddy put in my new CD player...somehow that never gets old. Jim Dale is amazing. I've also been on quite the Pokemon kick lately...I know that doesn't quite measure up to literary fantasy, but I've always enjoyed it, and now I've officially collected all of Indigo League season 1...Johto League is next, hopefully. These 4Kids episodes are so cheesy, but still fun. I feel like such a dork, but a happy dork.


Top Gun said...

Yay blog! You just can't beat those old Indigo League episodes, can you? Good old Team Rocket and their horrifically cheesy puns...

Kate said...

I'm so glad you've decided to start up blogging. Fun!