I like to read, write, watch anime, and study martial arts. I recently returned from Japan and am now working to save some money to go back to school. Just decided to put up this blog to keep everyone posted on my life, mostly.
Pictures of my first experiment in quilting. My grandma has been after me to try this for ages, and I finally got to it. I chose all the fabric, did the cutting, learned how to use the sewing machine, and did just about everything by myself. I'm very pleased with the result. It looks quite lovely on my bed like this. I can't wait to do more. I was surprised at the price of the fabric, but it's good quality and should last forever. I loved the contrast of the dark, bright red and black on the front and the soft, white and grey with black silhouettes on the back. In essence, I made this quilt reversible. I also got enough of the white fabric on the back to make a pair of pillowcases to go with this. It was the end of the bolt, maybe a yard left, more than enough to make pillowcases, so when I bought it I said "What the heck," and went with it.
Thus ends a saga that began last March, when I ordered the new suit I was to wear as an instructor for formal occasions to do with Taekwondo. Apparently, as we learned as the months dragged on, the suits for the women aren't ordered as frequently as those for the men, so they basically wait for an order to build up then send it out elsewhere to fill. I got my suit a week ago, and I finally got to wear it to testing tonight. I think I look rather sharp, and I'm proud to be able to tie a tie. The alternative was a neckerchief, which I think looks rather ridiculous. The testing went well, and I got several compliments on how I looked in it. Here are some pics.
Ok, so ten to one no one who doesn't do martial arts will care about this in the slightest, but I just had one of the most fun workouts in my life doing a combat weapons seminar with Master Jordan Schreiber, who was visiting our school this weekend for a banquet honoring our own Senior Master Thor. We do traditional sparring in TKD, of course, but this is something new, where we're sparring with weapons, a large padded stick approximately two feet in length with a small handle. Full sparring gear is required, unfortunately, but the headache of the chest protector and face mask was well worth it for being able to actually hit each other with sticks. Most of the strikes are named for animals, and mimic in some way their pattern of attack, like a cobra strike, which curls up and then lunges out, a tiger strike, which zigzags back and forth the way a tiger would move in tall grass, or a golden rooster, which is a diversionary strike to the chest and then a jump and strike downward, like a chicken attempting to fly. Aggression is a key to this, since many people are unnerved by a stick flying at their face (and yes, the face is a legal target, except the eyes and the front and back of the neck, the groin also being an illegal target) and they forget to block. I can't wait to do more of this.
Ok, so it's been a while since I posted in here. Mostly because I've been busy, but also because I just haven't had a lot to say that isn't venting about my job. But I am really proud and excited about some of the stuff coming up. We're hosting a banquet for my Taekwondo instructor, Dan Thor, to celebrate his service to the community and our region, not to mention his testing for his 8th degree black belt, on August 1st, with a fun tournament during the day and a banquet in the evening. It's been a lot of hard work, and I don't always like the way some of the others who are on the planning committee handle things, but I think it will go off beautifully. There will be a silent auction, guests coming in from several places, along with family and friends of Senior Master Thor, a picture/video presentation, and some gifts and presentations to be made. I'm also working hard, debating whether I want to participate in our fun tournament, and preparing myself to try a midterm toward my 4th degree in March at the Winter Nationals in Las Vegas, NV. I'm really proud of a lot of our students this testing cycle as well. We have some really young ones who would normally be in our pre-school class, Tiny Tigers, but who we decided to move up to Karate for Kids, which is a bit more demanding, and designed for slightly older children, and they've handled it beautifully. One doesn't really realize how much capacity to learn and focus and remember a five year old child has until you see some of these kids. They struggle a bit, they get nervous, they forget, but they test and they pass in the end, and I couldn't be more proud. I get just as anxious every testing as they do, praying that they'll be able to hold it together, and cheering as loud as any of the parents when they succeed, being there to console and reassure if they fail.
My most recent picture from TKD, which we get done every year. I ordered them this year because I finally got my black collar, which means I'm a fully certified instructor. I like how my sidekick came out, and also how the pose with the sword looks.
I've been working in a kindergarten classroom since mid-February, with a little boy who is severely ADHD and has a rough home life, and I've seen behavior in this classroom, both from him and from others, that makes me wonder about the future of our society. These kids assume they can do whatever they want, they are disruptive, rude and disrespectful to the teachers and even their parents, and the parents either make excuses for them or ignore the behavior completely. When I was a kid we never got away with any of this kind of nonsense, and if we misbehaved, we were terrified of being sent to the principal, and even more terrified when our parents were called...mom and dad weren't going to take our side, they'd be furious and want to know why we did what we did, not excuse it away. And then when we got home, we'd get a spanking at the very least. Half the time when I work with this kid I wish he was mine just so I could give him the spanking he richly deserves, because he and I both know damn well that his parents won't do a thing. That's the hardest part about thisi job, I know there's nothing I can do to this kid as a consequence for his behavior that he really cares about...time outs are as much of a hassle as anything else because I have to hold him there to make him stay and he's sassy and whiny through the whole ordeal, and he wants to go to the office or be sent home so that he doesn't have to do work in the classroom. Taking away things like recess or other fun activities just means that I'm stuck with him alone in the classroom making him behave there and listening to him whine, and not letting him get his energy out. I'm just so sick of it...I'm parenting this kid for his idiot parents, and they have the nerve to look disappointed at me whenever I give them a bad report about his behavior. Maybe if they did their jobs and didn't expect me to do it all...
I've just finished reading the second book in the Twilight series, and thus far here are my opinions on the subject. From the standpoint of a literature major I can understand some of the draw of these books to a certain age group or mind set, but by and large I really wish they weren't available to young girls and boys in particular for a few specific reasons. There will be *SPOILERS* in this blog, so stop here if you don't wish to be spoiled about the end of the books.
First of all, I was very displeased by the portrayal of the two main characters. Bella is downright frustrating, and her constant whining and moping and bemoaning her lot in life makes hearing the story from her perspective much less enjoyable than if it had been from perhaps a 3rd person perspective. Also, her constant "damsel in distress" issues were downright disgusting, and even when she did finally get the "perfect" guy, she moaned and fussed and worried more because she felt she didn't deserve him. No self confidence whatsoever, and also willing to be dominated, manipulated, and controlled by said "perfect" guy, even to the point of putting herself in physical danger just so that he can show up and save her. Not at all a good example to any girl, giving the impression that one needs a man to be "complete" and going into a severe depression if the man leaves. Also irritating was that she never seemed able to do anything for herself.
Now on to our "perfect" guy. Edward, a vegetarian vampire who is over a hundred years old, is the very picture of emo melodrama. He's so theatrical about his reactions to Bella in any sense with his overblown emotional responses that it's almost no wonder she reacts the way she does. Then, he is secretive (for good reason, but that's still not healthy to that extent in any relationship) manipulative, and controlling with her. Many parents like this series because the two of them don't actually have sex until they marry, but I would say whether they're having sex or not, if he's spending every night in her room staring at her while she sleeps, that's still beyond disturbingly creepy. Stalker much? And God only knows what he's thinking while he sits there, between wanting to eat her and wanting to screw her. Pardon my crudeness, but in terms of healthy relationships, this is like a manual on how not to do it, terrible example for young people.
On to some other characters. One of the more enjoyable characters in the series (aside from Edward's family, who are by and large a lot more fun than he is, especially Emmett, who cracked me up) is young werewolf Jacob Black, who steps in as friend and perhaps more to fill the void when Edward up and leaves and Bella falls into her depression. While he is also understandably secretive and a bit controlling (both he and Edward describe Bella as a "danger magnet" which is a somewhat apt description, and both are somewhat controlling for the purpose of keeping her safe) he is a much more open and honest person, and much more likeable than the aloof and somewhat snobby Edward. Unfortunately, as I've heard tell, he gets a personality transplant that seems to come from Edward's side of things, and of course, the guy who actually deserves the girl gets beaten by the snob.
These are not books I'd let my child read at any age, and I actually am debating whether to read the rest, since they never seem to fail to make me angry and irritable. The emotions are over the top and gag-worthy, and in terms of writing, it's barely on par with trashy romance. I like supernatural fiction by and large, but the vampires, while broken from the traditional mold to a great degree, are like a razor coated in sugar: making them "vegetarians" is just putting a pretty cover on what they really are, which is creatures who feed on others to sustain themselves. They are bloodsuckers. Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather have the werewolf, so much more appealing, and in general so much more personable. Updates if I decide to read more of them.
As promised, here's a fun update on what's been going on since last time I blogged.
I've started my new job, working with a very rambunctious and rowdy little boy in kindergarten. It's an emotionally stressful job, because he can be really difficult, but it's also rewarding to know that I'm already having a positive impact. I have a pretty no-nonsense approach to him and his issues, and even though he doesn't like it, he's already realizing I'm the boss and responding well. Even his teachers are commenting that he's doing better with me watching him. Before this he wouldn't do any classwork at all, and will still probably flunk kindergarten, but now he's doing work every day, and daily progress reports to mom where he rewards himself with stars when I write down good behavior are a big part of that. He's also learning to sit still and behave himself in the classroom, even though that can be a struggle. I think the biggest problem was that his previous BMS worker wasn't firm enough and tried too hard to be a friend. I think it frustrates him that when he says things like "I don't like you." I tell him I don't care. Whether he likes me or not, he's got to learn to behave himself, and I'm there to stay.
I celebrated my 25th birthday by starting my new job last Tuesday. It's a bit odd to think of my birthday and that I'm a quarter of a century old, but really, it wasn't too big a deal.I didn't do anything too special either. We'd had a birthday party the previous weekend at my uncle's house, so my mum made lasagne for me for supper, and at TKD the students sang Happy Birthday to me.
The biggest news on this blog is concerning my trip to Colorado Springs to spend some time with friends. I had a great time, but I also had some interesting issues. I started reading Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, and quite frankly I don't care for it at all. Bella and her insecurities and whining are irritating, and Edward, for how cute and protective and whatever else he is, is a controlling jerk a lot of the time too, and the writing was terrible. And yet, I'm curious to see what happens next, and whether she ever becomes a vampire like she was moaning about at the end of the last book and the beginning of the next. My friend described it accurately as "book-crack" and I can definitely see why it appeals to a certain age group. Very possibly because of my surroundings (I was the only single in a group of couple friends who were being rather disgustingly cute with each other) the book brought out a lot of emotions I haven't thought about in quite a long time. I'm a bit ashamed and frustrated that a book like this one could reduce me to such a thing, since it was like a replay of all the worst relationship issues of high school. Meh.
The trip itself though was great, though I think I'd like to drive and have more control over the car next time. I hate being reliant on others for transportation. I got to see Brian and Sami, we stayed at Ella's house (I love spending time with her, she's so much fun) I got to spend an afternoon with Philip, which was pleasurably spent geeking out, and I got to give my campus minister, who is still a very dear friend, a little gift. We went out for fondue, played Munchkin and Bibliomancy (hilarious results there, you basically pick any book and flip through it pointing to words at random and trying to construct meaningful sentences, and we played with the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Twilight, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) and I spent entirely too much money, got a lot of new books and a few other things, gifts for friends included. I was exhausted when I got home, but it was still a very enjoyable weekend.
Mostly because I haven't posted in a while, an update on what's going on with me lately. I'm finally gonna start work next week, I'm going in today to get my final paperwork taken care of, since my background check FINALLY went through. I'm glad it finally happened, I've been going crazy. I like taking a little break after a job like the one I had before, which was making me miserable, but this has gone on too long, and I'm eating up my savings and getting really restless about doing nothing productive. I'll be chasing around a 5-year-old starting next week, so I won't be dull anymore.
Other news, my birthday is next week, the 17th, and I hit the quarter-century mark! No special plans for celebration on the actual day, but the weekend after it I'll be going up to visit my friends in Colorado Springs, which I'm looking forward to. I haven't been up there since October, and we're going for a longer weekend this time, my friend Cole and I. I'm a bit broke, so I don't have a lot to spend there, but I do hope we can do some celebratory things. Even though it's a bit pricey I'd love to go to the Melting Pot, just because I love fondue and have great memories of a previous birthday party there. Other than that no special plans yet. Everyone keeps asking me what I want for my birthday, but aside from a Wii, which I know no one is going to get me right now, there's not a lot I really do want. I'll update again after my trip, but for now, that's all from me.
Ok, this is a new one, haven't heard of photo tag before, but I guess I'll play along. It said to go to My Pictures, open the 4th folder, and post the 4th picture in said folder. Here we are. My fourth folder happened to be one of my FMA folders, and this image, I believe, is from the manga. Edward Elric is in the foreground, and his brother Alphonse (the suit of armor) is in the background, and as per usual, it looks like they're causing some destruction. This may even be a manga cover from an early volume, I forget. I got it ages ago from a picture request thread on the ASMB.
I had the greatest dream last night, and the best part was that I remember it so vividly. It seemed like a combination of some of the things I miss most and am most excited for in the coming months, and included people I haven't seen in ages. The first part of the dream involved theatre, and somehow some people, including a girl named Chelsea from my high school drama class, were putting an impromptu play on in my living room, which looked like a black box theatre. There was a pulley system on the curtain rods for drops, and Chels asked if anyone knew the fly lines, because they needed help. I said I did, since it was something I did well in college, and I remember also that the play was based on Fruits Basket, one of my favorite anime, and that they were using my mom's spider lamp for spotlights on a mobile that hung from a pipe with stuffed animals from the anime on it. Next thing I know I'm at a sort of B&B that reminded me of our retreat campus for school, called Baca, with a group of my friends, and we're all getting ready to go see the drag races. I realized that my two favorite racers, Tony and Cruz Pedregon, were staying there too, and talked for a bit with Cruz, which is unusual, since he's not as talkative or outgoing as his brother Tony. Then I was sitting outside with friends including my friend Matt from college, who was being a bit of a crybaby for some reason about a giant lollipop shaped like a teddy bear, and my friend Taylor from high school, who was showing me some tattoos on her chest, some which looked real and others that looked like she'd drawn them in marker. I woke up excited and hyper, looking forward to the race. I think this came from my dad saying we might try to go to the one in Phoenix in February, which we've never been to before. I think Baca came into the dream because I'm hoping to go there if I'm allowed to see my friends for our annual retreat with the school's Catholic Community. I only have a couple years left where there will be students I know well and am close to in the community since the ones who were freshmen when I was a senior are graduating next year. I have no idea how the random people wound up there, since I haven't thought about most of them in a while, but it was interesting nonetheless. As for theatre, it's one of the things I miss most from school. I loved working there in the drama department and learning all the different building and technical skills, then seeing the product of my work when the show went up, and then venting any frustration as I helped take it down.
My Best of List for 2008, mostly at Kate's urging, but I did have fun thinking about these things. And now on, with no further ado.
Best Film: Dark Knight- This was a worthy successor to Batman Begins. I have a soft spot for Batman anyway, and Christian Bale makes him that much more drool-worthy. Heath Ledger was spectacular and left an unforgettable Joker etched in all our memories. Aaron Eckhart was a very strong Harvey Dent, and the cinematography and all Batman's new toys were amazing. Fingers crossed for at least a couple Oscars for this film, including a very much-deserved Best Actor awarded posthumously to Mr. Ledger.
Best TV Show: Jon & Kate + 8- Currently TLC's highest rating show, this follows the family life of the Gosselins, who have a pair of 8 year old twins, Mady and Cara, and a set of 4 year old sextuplets, Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah, and Joel. Very realistic, and no touchy subjects avoided. We get to see the sweet moments, the tantrums and meltdowns, and even fights between Jon and Kate, not to mention opinions and insights from the adults and older children...even a bit from the little ones, now that they're able to articulate thoughts and feelings. Very refreshing to see a real family that you can agree and disagree with and not feel like you're stepping on toes.
Best Anime: One Piece- I've seen plenty of anime that are way better than One Piece, but since I first started it this year and enjoyed it way more than I expected to, it gets the honors. My original opinions were formed by the 4Kids dub, which was frankly horrible, but FUNi got hold of it and made vast improvements. I'm dying to find out what happens next, and also interested in starting the manga, if I can afford it. Honorable mentions: Shin Chan and Baccano! Neither of these won for various reasons, but again, I enjoy them and am looking forward to seeing more.
Best Manga: Fruits Basket- I know I've been reading this for some time, but it takes the top over any of the other things I've read in the past few years. From a somewhat silly story about people changing into animals under unusual circumstances, it's become a powerful and heartfelt story of love, trust, betrayal, and very real people trying to deal with all this on top of their zodiac curse. There are two issues left in the English release, things are starting to fall apart for the Sohma family, Tohru is caught in the thick of it, and I'm so worried about Kyo's fate that if it goes the way I don't want it to I'll be throwing things. I just wish the anime could get this far and hadn't stopped after the most minor of all the dramatic moments of the series.
Best Book: The Harry Potter Series- Again, not the first time I've read any of these, and certainly not something new from this year, but since I've been reading so much literary criticism and studying them so intensively with the intention of writing a critical paper on them as part of my entrance package for grad school that I've come to love them on a whole deeper level. A powerfully written story of the classic hero's journey with memorable characters, magic, mystery, and real emotion that lets you relate to the characters to a point I've rarely experienced without reading an autobiography. Honorable Mention: JRR Tolkien: A Biography- Heightened my respect for my absolute favorite writer of all time, and realizing his very strong ideals and values and everything that he's been through that led him to create Middle-Earth and the races and situations that make me long to be an Elf...nuff said.
Best Sports Moment: Cruz Pedregon's NHRA championship- He started the season not doing so well, making adjustments to new aspects of his car and getting a feel for those adjustments as a driver...you could say he started out in a rebuilding year, not expecting to shine. First an inconsistent car, and then an inconsistent driver were definitely against him. He made it to finals several times, but until right before the end of the season he hadn't won any, though he was still sixth in points. Three wins and a couple of key losses by points leader Tim Wilkerson put Cruz in a place he hasn't been for 18 years: Points leader and championship winner for the year. Looking forward to another great season by him and his brother Tony!