Friday, May 16, 2008

Connected With the World Again

I was without internet for a week last week, and finally got it back night before last. I didn't realize until it was gone how dependent I've become on it. Not only for things like news, checking the balance in my bank account, and all the practical things one might use it for, but also for the connection I feel the the friends I've made all over the country. I use IM and message boards, as well as sites like Facebook to keep in touch with so many people, and without it I felt lost and isolated to a surprising degree. Oh, I know there's always the phone for the ones I'm closest to, and boy did I use it (my phone bill was way higher than normal this month since I've been calling friends so much) but it's a whole different dynamic on the phone than what I'm used to. On IM you can have a whole group conversing at once on the same topic, you wont' get charged an insane amount for it like you do for long distance calling, and there aren't the same kind of awkward silences. I'm so glad to be connected again, and to know that I can be in touch with the people I care about. I didn't think I'd miss it this much until it was really gone.


Hilary said...

It's insane how dependent on the web I have become. Well, I suppose I could live without it, but I find myself mystified by friends and family members who like being out in the remote wilderness unconnected to anything. I need urbanization with all its trappings...

Kate said...

I know how you feel. I used to feel much more dependent upon the internet than I am lately, but I know I would go a little crazy if I couldn't at least check email every couple of days. While I do use internet for social (mostly just email and blogging these days), I use to it check on everything from the weather to tv programming to renewing library books to looking up things, etc.