Friday, July 25, 2008

If We Were Playing Freeze Tag I'd Always Be Frozen...Thanks to Kate =P

3 Joys:
1. A book to fall asleep with
2. Really talking to someone who knows how to listen
3. Knowing that someone I worried about is alright

3 Fears
1. Depression
2. Hospitals
3. Not being in control

3 Goals
1. Get a Ph D
2. Get out of debt
3. Find someone I can be happy forever with

3 Current Obsessions:
1. Pokemon
2. Redwall
3. Facebook

3 Suprising Facts
1. There's a side of me that delights in chaos and destruction
2. I can read a 400 page book in a day, easily
3. Almost all of my best friends have been boys

i am: Angela
i know: That God won't throw anything at me that I can't handle, but sometimes I think He has more faith in me than I have in myself
i want: To be independent
i have: more books than shelf space
i wish: I wasn't alone
i hate: people who drive under the speed limit in the fast lane, especially when I'm running late
i miss: Being in school, where studying was the most important thing I had to worry about
i fear: chaos
i feel: glad it's Friday and I can sleep in late tomorrow
i hear: the fan humming...for once I have no distracting noise
i smell: nothing. Grandpa cut the hay and thanks to my allergies my nose is plugged up
i crave: Muddy Bears
i search: On google
i wonder: whether I'll ever find time to watch the anime I've been collecting for so long
i regret: not being more courageous when I traveled and missing some opportunities for the sake of feeling safe
i love: my mom's rolled tacos
i care: About my friends
i always: worry about the things I can't control
i am not: judgmental...or at least, I try not to be
i believe: God loves you, no matter how hard you try to resist Him
i dance: as little as possible...I have no sense of rhythm so dancing is more work than fun for me
i sing: in church, in the shower, and in the car, and occasionally hymns to help me fall asleep
i don’t always: forgive and forget like I should
i fight: with my sister, if we're together longer than a weekend
i write: when the muse descends.
i lose: my temper easily
i win: at Pokemon and at a lot of trivia games
i never: give up on my friends
i listen: to whatever strikes my mood at the time...oh, and I love audio books
i am scared: of being sick enough to need being in a hospital
i need: to be better about saving my money
i am happy about: having people to talk to
i tag: anyone who reads this and wants to play

1 comment:

Kate said...

I'm really good at freeze tag, too. ha ha ha