Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Reading Material

I'm starting to notice a trend in my reading habits. Along with my usual fantasy and Christian inspiration books and manga as new volumes of my favorite series come out, I'm finding myself seeking out things like histories or biographies pertaining to various subjects, things like historical info on the Roman Catholic church, the start of the Meiji era in Japan, or else literary criticism. I find the need to challenge my mind and really think about my reading is almost essential now, and it's making me feel so much better in terms of my mental state. For a while I was feeling downright dull, like I was in a mental fog. I want the stimulation and the challenge, because I'm working as I can to go back to school, and I want to be at least a little in the habit of studying and thinking critically. My writing has only been fiction lately, with a smattering of poetry, but I'll have to work on that too.

1 comment:

Hilary said...

I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a fan of history, but I do find reading about it enjoyable. As far as the Meiji goes I read a book a couple years ago called Shinsengumi: The Shogun's Last Samurai Corps (if memory serves) by Romulus Attenborough. It was pretty interesting, though being about the Shinsengumi, it of course deals more with the end of the Edo period.

I also picked up some biography about Tokugawa Ieyasu but never got more than a few chapters into it. While I find the subject matter extremely interesting the writing was a bit dry.

There is a scholar named Jonathan Spence whose area of expertise is China - he's written books about various periods in Chinese history. He's a very good author so I'd recommend checking out any of his books if Chinese history interests you at all...