Thursday, March 6, 2008


Frustration. Feeling like I want to come home and just scream or cry or break things because I feel like I don't know where to turn or what to do anymore. I haven't felt this miserable in I don't know how long. Maybe not ever. I feel like I'm under the iron foot of a tyrannical monster every day when I walk into work. I need to get out of there so bad, I need to find something else that gives me a set schedule and a company that doesn't make demands that make me want to take a sword to work and decapitate people, particularly my bootlicker of a boss. She fawns over a company that isn't even that good. I dunno how many calls I get from people calling for us to fix our damn mistakes, and all I can do is apologize. I had one guy today tell me after I helped him that he was sorry to get off the phone with someone intelligent for once. Maybe I'm just whining, maybe I'm just taking it too personally (that's what my mom says, anyway) but it feels like the whole world is against me. Last night I was talking to a friend, and I told her what my future plans might be. She basically gave me a lecture that amounted to me being stupid and naive and that my goals are not practical. It's like she assumed that I'm walking around blind. I'm not stupid, I can see how difficult it will be to achieve my goals, but I don't need her to go puncture them so that I have no dreams at all. Is it too much to ask that I at least be given the chance to try and some encouragement? I mean, why bother living if you're just going to consign yourself to drudgery and settle for the minimum? Paying the bills is important, but in my opinion, so is not being miserable. I want to find something that makes me feel happy and fulfilled, and with any luck it'll pay the bills too. But is it really too much to ask to have some support and encouragement? My goals may change as I get older and wiser, but for now, they're all that's keeping me going. I'm working to get rid of my bills, and saving up money to go back to school. School is the place I've always felt happiest, and I want to go back, and eventually I want to be able to share that love of learning and of literature with others. That's my goal. With prayers, work, and determination, I can do it.


Anne Bean said...

Si se puede!!

I believe in you, dude. Call me if you need a pep talk :P

Kate said...

What are dreams if we only stick to the absolute 'practical'? I think that the nice thing about pursuing our dreams is that we create our own opportunities and are actively working towards making our lives better. Why settle for mediocre and be miserable when you can do so much with your life! Good luck with changing the job situation around. You can do it. :)

Jenna said...

Yeah I with you. I swear if one more person tell me I have to be "realistic" and "reasonable" something bad might happen. I know some of the stuff I wanna do is a long shot, and just because you couldn't pull it off in a 100 million years doesn't I can't. Chin up, realize they don't live in your world, because obviously they would understand if they did.

Istari the Angel said...

Thanks for the encouragement, guys. It really does help, hearing that others are in the same dilemma and are willing to give support. I may or may not succeed, and my goals may or may not change, but I at least deserve the chance to try, and I won't deny that to my friends, either.