Sunday, March 30, 2008

I wish I had good news to report...

I wish I had good news to report on my job interview last Wednesday, but no dice. I had hoped it would be my ticket out of this miserable job, but they told me I was too young. That's age discrimination, which I could potentially sue them for, but it's not worth it at this point. I just spent the weekend feeling really disappointed. Meanwhile, I'm resisting the temptation every single day to just quit before I get fired and say screw it anyway. Nothing about it is getting any better, and in some ways it's getting worse. My boss still makes me feel so nervous every time she's near me, and she has no idea of positive leadership. We get quality control feedback every month, things we're doing well and things we could improve on. She got the lists so she could look them over, and then she was supposed to forward them over to us. She did. She sent us a whole list of all the negative things we're screwing up on. Not a single positive word, just everything we did wrong. Then, the other day, I was on a kind of long call with someone who was practically in hysterics over her interest rate going up and the fear of losing her house. I was afraid she was going to have a panic attack right there while I was on the phone with her, and I did my best to calm her down and reassure her that we would try to work with her to solve this problem. I had her calm and working to make some solutions by the time I got off the call, and then my supervisor came up and was like, you should have used different words, we could have gotten sued. I had felt pretty proud of helping that lady until then, but I spent the rest of the afternoon kind of down, it's like she purposely came over to bust my bubble. *sigh* I have a few things to look forward to over the next few weeks, but I still feel so stuck in this miserable job. I want to get out of here, but moving isn't an option until this summer. I think what I'd like to do is find another job here at least through May, and then move back up to the Springs in June, provided I can get a decent job. I just have too much going on in the next two months to contemplate moving, and then having to ask for time off from a brand new job. Besides, until I get my money from Japan and my tax refund, I'm kinda too broke to contemplate moving. Seems like all I can do at the moment is hurry up and wait. At least if I could wait with a different job, one that didn't make me so miserable, this might be a bit more tolerable. I'll do the best I can to hold on, though, and try to find another job.


Kate said...

Aw, I'm so sorry! I was hoping to hear other news. I know you're tired of dealing with this current job, and from everything that you've told me, I think you're amazing to have stayed with it all this time. Hopefully something great will turn up soon. If you're thinking of moving in a couple of months, maybe you could look for work through a temp agency?? I don't know much about them, but for temporary work, at least you wouldn't have to deal with the same horrid job day in and day out...good luck!

Hilary said...

Sheesh... your boss sounds like a real piece of work. Some people just don't understand leadership and are always on power trips.

Jenna said...

:( Sry to hear about the work situation. I don't think I could stick with it. You are doing a good job. Hopefully, not too long now.