Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Feeling Like A Real Person Now That I'm Off Vicodin

It's been nearly a week since my wisdom teeth came out, and I feel so much better. I'm still a bit sore and having trouble chewing anything that's not very soft, but I'm feeling a lot better. A lot of the improvement came about yesterday when I opted to stop taking Vicodin. They prescribed it to me as a pain medication, and for the first couple days, I really did need it, since the pain was quite intense. Now though, since the pain isn't that bad and it's mostly just a bit of swelling and soreness, I'm so done with the Vicodin. While I really needed it it was fine, and I'm thankful that it kept the pain at bay, but once I didn't need it as much, I hated the side effects that came with it. It was making me feel very lightheaded and loopy, and also nauseous. Also, it was turning me into an emotional basket case with the mood swings. Over the last few days I'd found myself feeling miserable and crying for no reason just because of the meds. Yesterday I gave a call to my campus minister in one of those moments, and she recommended that it was time to lay off the Vicodin. Even making that decision made a huge difference, and by the end of last night I was already feeling a lot better. I'm still working that junk out of my system, but the pain is more or less gone and I'm so glad, I feel like a real person again. I feel more clear and focused and though I'm not fond of work, I'm looking forward to going back tomorrow just to feel like I'm getting back into my life. My work schedule is moved back an hour, which means I'm going from 8 to 5, which is also a perk in that when I go back to TKD I can go and help the kids in the second class instead of only making it to my own class. Also to look forward to, this weekend is Daddy's birthday and next weekend I'll be going up to the Springs for Homecoming with Cole, which will just be awesome. I've been dreaming about it, even, looking forward to seeing Sami and Brian, not to mention Val and Philip and Beth and Carl and Lena. Val's been having a rough time of things, and I think it will be a nice thing for her to get to spend some time just hanging out. I also need to remember to send Toria a birthday present, since her birthday is the same day as my daddy's.

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